MEW Wallet | An Introduction | MyEtherWallet Help …

MEW Wallet supports a wide range of Ethereum-based assets, including ERC-20 tokens. Users can manage multiple tokens within the same wallet, facilitating easy access to various projects and assets.

the MEW (MyEtherWallet) Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet that provides users with a secure and user-friendly interface for managing their Ethereum-based assets. MEW is known for its emphasis on user control, allowing individuals to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and associated tokens directly. Please note that developments may have occurred since my last update, and it's advisable to check the latest information from official sources.

Key Features of MEW Wallet:

1. Non-Custodial Wallet:

  • MEW Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, meaning that users have full control over their private keys. This decentralized approach enhances security by reducing the reliance on third-party services to hold or manage private keys.

2. User-Friendly Interface:

  • The wallet is designed to be user-friendly, providing a straightforward interface for users to send, receive, and manage their Ethereum (ETH) and ERC-20 tokens. The design emphasizes simplicity and ease of use.

3. Asset Support:

  • MEW Wallet supports a wide range of Ethereum-based assets, including ERC-20 tokens. Users can manage multiple tokens within the same wallet, facilitating easy access to various projects and assets.

4. Private Key Control:

  • Users retain control over their private keys, which are generated and stored locally on their devices. This control enhances security, as users are not reliant on external entities to access their funds.

5. Secure Access Methods:

  • MEW Wallet allows users to access their wallets through various methods, including hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor, as well as mnemonic phrases or keystore files. These additional layers of security cater to users with different preferences and risk profiles.

6. Token Swap and Purchase:

  • MEW Wallet may provide features for token swaps, enabling users to exchange one cryptocurrency for another directly within the wallet. Some versions also include the ability to purchase cryptocurrencies using fiat currency.

7. DApp Browser:

  • The wallet may include a decentralized application (DApp) browser, allowing users to interact with Ethereum-based decentralized applications directly from the wallet interface.

8. MEWConnect Mobile App:

  • MEW Wallet users can enhance security by pairing their wallets with the MEWConnect mobile app. MEWConnect acts as a secure way to log in to the wallet using QR code scanning.

9. Integration with Hardware Wallets:

  • MEW Wallet supports integration with popular hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor. This allows users to manage their private keys offline, adding an extra layer of security.

10. Offline Transactions: MEW Wallet may support the creation and signing of transactions offline. Users can prepare transactions on an air-gapped device for additional security before broadcasting them to the network.

How to Use MEW Wallet:

1. Download and Install:

  • Users can download the MEW Wallet app from the respective app stores (iOS and Android) and install it on their mobile devices.

2. Create a New Wallet or Import:

  • New users can create a new wallet by following the setup process, which often involves generating a new wallet and securing the associated mnemonic phrase. Alternatively, users can import an existing wallet using the mnemonic phrase or private key.

3. Security Setup:

  • Set up additional security features, such as password protection, PIN codes, or biometric authentication, depending on the device's capabilities.

4. Explore Assets:

  • Once the wallet is set up, users can explore and manage their Ethereum and ERC-20 assets. The wallet typically displays the wallet balance, transaction history, and asset details.

5. Send and Receive:

  • Use the wallet to send ETH or ERC-20 tokens to other addresses or receive assets from external sources.

6. Token Swap and DApp Interaction:

  • If supported, users can engage in token swaps directly within the wallet and interact with Ethereum-based decentralized applications using the built-in DApp browser.

7. Hardware Wallet Integration:

  • Users with hardware wallets can integrate them with MEW Wallet for enhanced security. This involves connecting the hardware wallet and confirming transactions on the hardware device.

8. Backup and Recovery:

  • Always ensure to backup the mnemonic phrase securely and follow best practices for wallet backup. This phrase is crucial for recovering access to the wallet in case the device is lost or damaged.

9. MEWConnect (Optional): Users can choose to enhance security by using the MEWConnect mobile app for secure logins via QR code scanning.

10. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on updates from MEW and regularly check for the latest version of the wallet to benefit from security enhancements and new features.

Security Considerations:

  • Secure Storage of Mnemonic Phrase:

    • Safeguard the mnemonic phrase in a secure and offline location. This phrase is essential for wallet recovery.

  • Beware of Phishing:

    • Be cautious of phishing attempts, and only access MEW Wallet through official channels.

  • Update Software:

    • Keep the MEW Wallet app updated to benefit from the latest security features and improvements.

  • Use Hardware Wallets:

    • Whenever possible, consider using a hardware wallet for added security, especially for significant cryptocurrency holdings.


MEW Wallet provides a user-friendly and secure way for individuals to manage their Ethereum-based assets. Its emphasis on user control, support for various security features, and integration with hardware wallets make it a popular choice among cryptocurrency users. As with any cryptocurrency wallet, users should prioritize security, stay informed about updates, and exercise caution when interacting with their assets. Always use official sources for downloads and updates to mitigate the risk of phishing and security breaches.

Last updated